Therese Kelly Design Studio
What are the stories a storm drain can tell? Can sanitation be loveable?
Under the Umbrella, an immersive game, poetic installation, and community art project personifies the engineering story of water’s journey. Commissioned by the City of Santa Monica, Therese designed three components—a temporary installation at 12 key locations, location-based iPhone game, and onsite tours and workshops—to turn the six-acre site into a place to uncover water’s hidden secrets. Where does it come from and where does it go? Participants could, for instance, uncover a secret, travel in time, write and share a poem, or sample a taste of nature’s elixir. Using pipes for plumbing, irrigation, and reclaimed water, Therese also led artist workshops on the shibori dye method of “arashi” (meaning "storm"), inviting participants to touch, handle, and identify the varied water pipes that enable their everyday lives.